Spanning Two Eras: the Russ Mills Story

by Kip Cuthbert The melodic strains of the Big Band sound of Jack Kennedy’s Orchestra to the burning guitar of Kim Mitchell – both benefitted from the rare talent of Sarnia’s Russ Mills. Russ Mills was one of those natural musicians who could pick up almost any instrument and make [...]

2016-03-14T18:53:51-04:00June 30th, 2015|Comments Off on Spanning Two Eras: the Russ Mills Story

Voices from the Past: Remembering the Famous Kenwick-on-the-Lake

By Bob McCarthy for Lambton There were at one time during the first half of the last century two places here in Lambton County that you could go to dance and enjoy big band sound. At one of these places, as Ed Sullivan used to say, a “really big [...]

2015-08-26T00:59:07-04:00June 29th, 2015|Comments Off on Voices from the Past: Remembering the Famous Kenwick-on-the-Lake
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