Sarnia’s First Automobiles Were Built by Hand

by Phil Egan  for The Sarnia Journal Most people, when they think of the first cars, think of the early 20th century. They might be surprised to learn that by 1869, the automobile had already claimed its first fatality. That August, Mary Ward of Ireland was thrown from a vehicle and [...]

2016-11-30T14:11:19-05:00November 30th, 2016|Comments Off on Sarnia’s First Automobiles Were Built by Hand

Mayor Thomas Doherty

By Dan McCaffery for the Sarnia Observer He may have been the most intriguing character who ever wielded a gavel at Sarnia City Hall. Thomas Dohefty, who was elected our 36th Mayor in 1916, was nothing short of a genius when it came to the creation of mechanical devices. Indeed, [...]

2015-08-20T01:54:13-04:00August 20th, 2015|Comments Off on Mayor Thomas Doherty
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