Owen Maynard and the Lunar Landing

by Dan McCaffery for the Sarnia Observer (2003) The day human beings first set foot on the moon was the day the earth – or at least Sarnia – stood still. The Observer sent a reporter out that historic July 20, 1969 evening to find out how the city would [...]

2015-07-27T15:59:58-04:00July 6th, 2015|Comments Off on Owen Maynard and the Lunar Landing

Home of Chris Hadfield

by Dan McCaffery for First Monday (2013) Many years ago, when I was researching the career of Sarnia-born astronaut Chris Hadfield, I came across a quote from his grade 2 teacher. The elderly lady, who taught Hadfield at King George Public School said, β€œHe must have been a good boy, [...]

2015-06-30T19:57:56-04:00June 30th, 2015|Comments Off on Home of Chris Hadfield
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