History of the Chemical Industry in Lambton County

by R.W. Ford (1987) Stretching for over 30 kilometres along the St. Clair River from the southern tip of Lake Huron to the village of Sombra lies the largest concentration of petroleum and chemical industry in Canada. Some 25 kilometres inland ancient oil wells grudgingly yield a few barrels of [...]

2015-08-23T01:33:40-04:00August 21st, 2015|Comments Off on History of the Chemical Industry in Lambton County

London’s Loss was Sarnia’s Gain

by Paul Morden for the Sarnia Observer (2014) Sarnia was actually Canada’s  second, or perhaps even third, Chemical Valley. By 1914, the year Sarnia became a city, its Imperial Oil refinery employed 1,200 workers, covered nearly 110 acres on the St. Clair River and manufactured products ranging from kerosene to [...]

2015-06-22T15:26:20-04:00June 22nd, 2015|Comments Off on London’s Loss was Sarnia’s Gain
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