The Tragic Wreck of the Kate Bully

by Jean Elford for the Sarnia Gazette (1971) When a small ship flounders in a Great Lakes storm, there is generally not a sailor left to tell what happened. In a tragic loss of the Kate Bully on October 4, 1869, however, four of the crew of ten survived the [...]

2015-08-23T01:22:51-04:00August 21st, 2015|Comments Off on The Tragic Wreck of the Kate Bully

The Wreck of the Fontana

By Phil Egan.  Special to The Sarnia Journal (2015)  A Friday night that began with calamity and death on the St. Clair River was destined to soon become a far greater tragedy. It was near midnight on Lake Huron on August 3, 1900 as the steamer Kaliyuma prepared to enter [...]

2015-08-29T18:00:48-04:00July 27th, 2015|Comments Off on The Wreck of the Fontana

Mighty Wexford Lost with all Hands Aboard

by George Mathewson for the Sarnia Observer (2003) Angler Don Chalmers has caught some big fish, but nothing like the whopper he hooked in August of 2000. The retired autoworker was down-rigging in Lake Huron when his fish-finder detected something massive on the bottom in 75 feet of water. Curious, [...]

2015-08-26T01:18:30-04:00June 23rd, 2015|Comments Off on Mighty Wexford Lost with all Hands Aboard
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