Remembrance Day ceremonies in Sarnia will begin a day early again this year.
The public is invited to join Sarnia Legion members in a walk from City Hall to the Legion Cenotaph on Front Street at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 10.
Those walking will carry lit candles, each one memorializing either a fallen soldier or honouring a past or serving military member.
The candles are sponsored by a $5 donation to the Royal Canadian Legion’s Poppy Trust Fund, which provides benefits for Veterans and their dependants.
Cadets will stand guard in silent vigil throughout the night, until dawn, ensuring the candles and memories they represent are never alone.
The candles, with a computer-printed label, are available at The Royal Canadian Legion, Sarnia Br. 62, 286 Front St. N. (519-336-2841).
On Wednesday, Nov. 11 the annual parade starts at 10:30 a.m. at the Legion on Front Street and continue to the Cenotaph in Veteran’s Park for an 11 a.m. memorial service to commemorate the sacrifice of those with service in Canada’s military.
In recent years, the service has grown to recognize Veterans from conflicts and peacekeeping missions after the two world wars and Korea, said Deacon Chuck Stevens, Branch 62 Catholic Padre.
“The hope is that we will have a lot of youth there, because ultimately this is not just for us to remember those who have fallen, but to pass on that legacy to subsequent generations.”
The cenotaph service in 2014 drew one of the largest crowds in recent memory, which Padre Stevens attributes to the terrorist attacks that led to the death of Corporal Nathan Cirillo and Warrant officer Patrice Vincent.
Point Edward will hold its own services on Sunday, Nov. 8. The parade leaves the Point Edward Ex-Servicemen’s Association hall on Michigan Avenue at 10:45 a.m. and proceeds to the Cenotaph in Veterans’ Memorial Park on St. Clair Street.