Sarnia’s First Refinery

by Phil Egan - Special to The Sarnia Journal (2015)   In his 1961 book, A History of the Chemical Industry in Lambton County, R.W. Ford describes the Bushnell Refinery, built in 1871, as the “first of Sarnia’s refineries.” Records indicate, however, that this information is not correct. Sarnia’s earliest refinery [...]

2015-09-02T02:34:40-04:00September 2nd, 2015|Comments Off on Sarnia’s First Refinery

Birthplace of Alexander Mackenzie For Sale in Scotland

by Rob Ferguson for the Toronto Star (2015) For less than the price of a fixer-upper in Toronto, you can own a stately piece of Canadian history in Scotland for 287,000 pounds — or about 594,900 loonies. It’s the birthplace of Canada’s second prime minister, Alexander Mackenzie, who was born [...]

2015-08-24T15:58:01-04:00August 24th, 2015|Comments Off on Birthplace of Alexander Mackenzie For Sale in Scotland

Macdonald-Mackenzie Debate in 1872 Election

by George Mathewson for the Sarnia Observer (2003) The boisterous crowd of merchants and farmers who assembled in downtown Sarnia the fateful afternoon of Aug. 21, 1872 were itching for a bare-knuckles political fight. They weren’t disappointed. Sir John A. Macdonald, the first prime minister of Canada, had arrived in [...]

2015-07-25T02:09:16-04:00July 2nd, 2015|Comments Off on Macdonald-Mackenzie Debate in 1872 Election

Alexander Mackenzie: Second Prime Minister

by Karen Robinet for the Sarnia Observer (2003) “I have always held those political opinions which point to the universal brotherhood of man, no matter in what rank of life he may have taken his origin.” Alexander Mackenzie, Canada’s first Liberal prime minister and editor of the Lambton Shield newspaper, [...]

2015-08-24T03:00:50-04:00July 2nd, 2015|Comments Off on Alexander Mackenzie: Second Prime Minister

Historic Saddy Home to be Preserved

by Cathy Dobson for the Sarnia Journal (2010) As special features go, Mulberry House is a gem. Few houses have front steps made from discarded headstones, and intricate stone carvings over the front windows. Canada’s second Prime Minister, Alexander Mackenzie, reputedly built the house at 197 London Road years ago. [...]

2015-08-24T03:19:40-04:00June 29th, 2015|Comments Off on Historic Saddy Home to be Preserved

Politicians who Helped Shape the City

by Tara Jeffrey for the Sarnia Observer (2014) The city of Sarnia has been shaped by number of notable politicians, from familiar figures like former prime minister Alexander Mackenzie, to long forgotten names like 19th century mayor Thomas George Johnston. Some notable names from the history books include: Cameron was [...]

2015-07-25T02:36:53-04:00June 23rd, 2015|Comments Off on Politicians who Helped Shape the City

Famous Sarnia Home Celebrates 150th Anniversary

by Heather Linda Young  for the Sarnia Observer Mulberry House was built by Alexander Mackenzie and home to Mayor Marceil Saddy (2011) If you go to visit Adele Walsh at her downtown Sarnia home, you won't just press a button for the bell to ring. Instead, you'll have to turn [...]

2015-06-16T23:46:43-04:00June 16th, 2015|Comments Off on Famous Sarnia Home Celebrates 150th Anniversary
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